
Generate Timetable

Generate Timetable

Generate Timetable

1. Generate Timetable
Once the user has completed the Subject Allocation, the system can generate a timetable for the General and Subject Activities that have been Setup.
Generating a Timetable is done as follows:
(i)     Select an Acceptable Timeout Interval (Recommended Timeout for Primary Schools is 30 minutes and 120 minutes for Secondary Schools).
(ii)     To start the generation process, Left Click on the Generate button ().
(iii)     The Progress Bar will display the % completion of the Generation of the Timetable.
(iv)      The Generate button will be Replaced by a Cancel button (). Should the user at any stage want to Cancel the Timetable Generation Process the
Left Click on the Cancel button ().
The message below will be displayed:
(v)     On Successful Completion of the Generation Action, the screen will be refreshed and will display the Scheduled Activities in the Different Views.
(vi)     On Cancellation of the Generation Action, a Message is displayed, showing the Last Activity or Group of Activities that the Generator attempted to place
                      before the action was cancelled.
The format of the message is as follow:
(a)         -      Subject Code
(b)               -     Class
(c)             -     Educator / Educator Group
To return to the Timetable Screen Left Click the Ok button ().
Note:     It is important to note what the last activity or group of activities was that the Generator attempted to place since these may be blocked or were impossible
                         to place.
(vii)     On Time Out of the Generation Action, a message is displayed showing the Last Activity that the Generator attempted to place before the Generation Action
           timed out. To return to the Timetable Screen Left Click the Ok button ()
The format of the message is as follow:
(a)         -      Subject Code
(b)               -     Class
(c)             -     Educator / Educator Group
Note:     It is important to note what the last activity or group of activities was that the Generator attempted to place since these may be blocked and or impossible
                         to place.
Note:     The partially scheduled timetable serves as a good starting point for fault finding. Try placing the Last Activities manually. All the cells in the Timetable
                          will be Red if the activity cannot be scheduled.
When the user attempts to place an activity manually on the Timetable screen and it is not possible to place the activity, the system will display a tool tip which will give an indication for the reason why the activity can not be placed in a certain time slot .
When the user attempts to place an activity manually on the Timetable screen and it is possible to place the activity, the system time slots where the activity can be placed will be Green
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