
Rename Timetable Period

Rename Timetable Period

Rename Timetable Period

1. Rename Timetable Period
Renaming a Timetable Period is done as follows:
(i)     Left Click on the Period Name. This will put the Name Field in Edit Mode.
(ii)     Once the Name Field is in Edit Mode, proceed to change the Name by Typing in the preferred Name.
(iii)     The user now has Three Options:
(a)     Preview Changes -
When this option is selected the Change that was made can be Viewed. In this case Period1 was Changed to 08:00-08:45.
The user can now Hide the Changes (), Save the Changes () or Cancel the Changes ().
(b)      Save the Changes  - 
When this option is selected the Change that was made will be Saved to Session (Not to the Database).
Notes:     To Save the Changes to the Database the user needs to select the Save button () at the Bottom of the Page.
Should the user have made changes and the Changes was not Saved to the database making use of the Save button () at the Bottom of the Page, and the user selects a different Menu Option (Navigates to another page), the system will display the following message:
Should the user select the Leave Page Option all Changes that have been made will not be Saved to the database.
(c)      Cancel Changes  - 
When this option is selected all Changes that were made will be disregarded and the original data will be displayed.
Note:      It is important to enter the correct Name for the Timetable Day since this will be displayed on all the Timetable Reports.
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