
School Details

School Details

School Name

1. School Name
Type the School Name in the text box.  The School Name will be printed on all Reports that are printed from the system.

School Logo

2. School Logo
The School Logo will be printed on all reports that are printed from the system.
Note:      (a)   The following file types are supported
(i)     *.JPEG
(ii)     *.PNG
(iii)     *.GIF
(b)     The Image file size is limited to a maximum of 1Mb.
Upload the School Logo Image by Left Clicking on the Upload Logo button.
The File Selection Dialog will then be displayed.
Browse to find the School Logo Image.
Select the image by Left Clicking on the Image file, and then left Click on the Open button.
Should the user try to upload an Image File that is not one of the formats that is supported, or the Image File Size is greater than 1Mb, the Error screen below will be displayed:


Any comments added in the Comments Block will be printed on the Timetable when the timetable is printed.
Made with help of Dr.Explain