
Timetable Maintenance

Timetable Maintenance

Active Timetable

1. Active Timetable
The Active timetable will be the first entry in the List. The Active Timetable’s information will be displayed.
This information includes the Timetable Name, the Time when the Timetable was Created and the Status of the Timetable.


2. New
This option is used when the user wants to create a New, Empty timetable.
Select this option by Left Clicking on the New button.
The Information Panel/ Name item will give the user the Option to create a new Timetable by typing in a New Name for the timetable.
When this is done the user selects the Update ()option. The new timetable will then be created.
The System will give an indication that the Copy of the Timetable was Created.
Note:     The only information that will be available in the timetable when this option is selected, is the School Information. This information is copied
                         from the Active Timetable.
Note:     The timetable Name field is a Required/Compulsory field. Should this field not be completed and the user proceeds to Create the New timetable
                          by Left Clicking on                          the Update () button, the Error Screen below will be displayed (), indicating that the Name Field
                          is a Required/Compulsory field that needs to be completed.
Note:     The timetable Name field is a Unique field. Thus, the user can not create a new timetable with a name that already exists in the list.
Should the user try to create a New timetable with a name that already exists, the Error Screen below will be displayed, indicating that timetable Name
                         already exists.

Open -  Active / Archived Timetable

3. Open -  Active / Archived Timetable
A Timetable can have one of two statuses:
(i)     Active
(ii)     Archived
Note:     When the timetable System is opened, the default timetable information that will be available in the system, will be that of the timetable with the Active                                         Status.
The Status of a timetable can be Changed from Archived to Active by selecting – from the list - the timetable that should be the Active Timetable.
Left Click on the timetable that must become active in the list. The Line in the list will turn Blue indicating that this is the selected Timetable.
Left Click on the Open button ()to make this timetable the Active one.
The Status of the selected timetable will have changed to Active and the previously selected timetable’s Status will have changed to Archived.
Note:     When the user now return to the Home page and select any of the available Menu options, the information of the newly selected timetable will be displayed.

Create Copy

4. Create Copy
This option is used when the user wants to create a Copy of an existing timetable.
Select the timetable from the list of which a Copy should be made by Left Clicking on the Timetable in the list.
The line in the list will turn Blue, indicating the selected timetable.
Left Click on the Create Copy () button.
The selected Timetable name will be used as a default name with a postfix of COPY. The user can now rename the timetbale by typing in a new timetable name. When the new Timetable name has been entered the user selects the Update button () to create the Timetable Copy. The following system message will be displayed should the creation of the new timetable be completed successfully :
The copy of the timetable will be displayed in the list.
Made with help of Dr.Explain